The magic number is 50.
That’s the number of blogs Fourandhalf released into the wild in 2017. And today, we’re sharing some of the best property management blogs we created over the last year.
Best Property Management Marketing Blogs
Four blogs really stood out in the property management marketing category. The most popular of last year’s blogs was: Property Management Blog Topics: How to Generate a Year’s Worth of Ideas.
If you don’t know how to start blogging or where to come up with ideas, this is a great resource for you. You’ll find simple steps on how to get started.
The second most popular property management marketing blog was: 6 SEO Blogging Tips for Property Managers. This is about the steps we take to make sure your blogs are quickly and easily found online.
Another great property management marketing blog from 2017 was: 3 Types of Property Management Leads (…and How You Target Them). If you don’t know the three types of potential leads, watch this video. You should know who you’re targeting and adjust your message to close those leads.
Check out You Don’t Know Me, HOMI: How Property Managers Can Think Beyond High-Octane Marketing Individuals. HOMIs are High Octane Marketing Individuals, and they’re not great for your business. Not all marketing channels are created equal, and the people actually doing the marketing aren’t created equal, either. In this blog, Alex talks about common mistakes property managers make with marketing decisions, and what you can do as a business owner to make sure your marketing delivers the results you need.
Best Property Management Reputation Blog
Our most popular reputation blog in 2017 was: The Best Time to Get Five-Star Tenant Reviews Online. We know property management can sometimes be a thankless job. But… it doesn’t have to be that way. What makes a tenant three times more likely to love their property manager? This blog tells you why tenants do what they do so that you can handle your reputation from a more informed and strategic position. Online praise starts here.
Best Property Management Sales Blog
Our most popular sales blog in 2017 was: How to Follow-Up with Property Management Leads. When you’re thinking about growing your business, your first step is getting a lead. But, what happens next? You need a good follow-up process in place so you don’t waste money getting leads into your funnel.
Best Property Management Business Strategy Blog
For business strategy, you need to think about your Key Performance Indicators – those KPI’s. Alex gives a detailed framework in our best business strategy blogs, which will help you measure your business and see the things you can improve upon for profitability and growth.
At Fourandhalf, we always practice what we preach. We believe in the power of content marketing, and our data shows that when you provide valuable information and engage your audience, they respond.
If you’re still uncomfortable giving away information for free with educational blogs, think about this…if owners cannot find what they’re looking for with you – why wouldn’t they look elsewhere?
To hear more of our content, subscribe to our YouTube channel and get on our mailing list. You can also contact us at Fourandhalf for more information on property management marketing.