5 Elements of Killer Landing Pages for Property Managers

5 Elements of Killer Landing Pages for Property Managers

What’s the purpose of your landing page? Landing pages for property managers are different than website pages. They are out there on their own – serving a specific purpose and leading visitors to the desired action you’re hoping for, whether it’s a...
Tips for Marketing a Property Management Company: Should You List Your Pricing Online?

Tips for Marketing a Property Management Company: Should You List Your Pricing Online?

At Fourandhalf, we work with hundreds of property managers to help them increase the online presence of their property management company and one question we’re frequently asked is: “Should I have a pricing page on my property management website?”...
Should You Have Different Websites for Your Real Estate and Property Management Businesses?

Should You Have Different Websites for Your Real Estate and Property Management Businesses?

If you already have a perfectly good real estate website, do you really need a separate property management website? Can you get away with just building a page to host your property management information? Maybe you’re just getting started in property management, or...
Do Online Reviews Help SEO for Property Management Websites?

Do Online Reviews Help SEO for Property Management Websites?

Have you come across the phrase, “Your reputation precedes you?” This holds even greater significance in the realm of property management online reviews. The internet has made it incredibly simple for individuals to express their opinions. Because of this,...