Choosing the right name for your property management company is more than just a creative decision—it’s a strategic one. Your business name shapes your brand identity, impacts your marketing efforts, and can even influence your long-term success. Before settling on a...
Do you know what a Search Engine Results Page (SERP) is and how it impacts your property management company’s online visibility? If you’ve ever searched for something on Google—whether on your desktop or mobile—you’ve seen a SERP in action. But understanding its...
If you already have a perfectly good real estate website, do you really need a separate property management website? Can you get away with just building a page to host your property management information? Maybe you’re just getting started in property management, or...
What’s the purpose of your landing page? Landing pages for property managers are different than website pages. They are out there on their own – serving a specific purpose and leading visitors to the desired action you’re hoping for, whether it’s a...
Today we’re talking about your online reputation and more importantly – how to get more property management leads from that reputation. Before we dive into the details, let’s first understand why your online reputation is crucial for getting more property...