So, you’ve invested the necessary time and money marketing your services to property owners. You’ve been running ads, posting blogs, and you even have a shiny new website. That’s great!

But, what if you’re not getting the leads you expected you would? Or, what if those leads are coming in, but they’re not sticking around?

What could be causing this, even with a robust marketing plan in place?

It’s possible you’re marketing to the wrong owner.

Let’s take a look at what we mean by this. If you’re throwing money at your marketing plans without being clear on the goals you’re hoping to achieve and the type of rental property owner you want to attract, the best marketing in the world isn’t going to get you the results you want.

If you keep going down this road, you’ll encounter one or more of these roadblocks:

1. Money Issues

A person in a suit holds a giant dollar bill that is disintegrating behind them.Losing money on marketing is frustrating. Basically, you’re paying too much for leads that are not sticking or not sticking around long. Maybe you’re attracting leads that you wish would stick to someone else because they’re getting so expensive and with no real return.

This is money wasted, because you could have put these resources towards trying to get your ideal client.

2. Wasted Time

A hand holds an hourglass. The top has 6 coins that turn into sand as they fall through to the bottom.We all know you are busy. You don’t have time to chase down those leads that aren’t right for your business. Instead, you need to spend that valuable time investing in the owners you are the perfect match for. Those are the specific leads you want to attract.

3. Reputation Damage

A finger points to 1 yellow star out of 5 total, indicating a 1 star rating.You may have noticed an unusual number of negative reviews from owners. Sure, some of those reviews can be constructive and help you improve your processes. But, if your marketing isn’t properly representing your business, the leads you successfully convert may feel blindsided when they start working with you. Get your reputation back on track by making sure the marketing has clear and consistent themes that speak to your ideal client.

Why Does This Matter?

A piece of paper with the words Ideal Customer is on a table surrounded by various office supplies.If you can’t paint a clear picture of who your ideal client is, you can’t market to them.

So, you end up marketing to an owner who is not going to be right for your property management business. Or, you’ll cast too wide of a net. While casting a very wide net might get a higher volume of inquiries, that also means you and your team will have to spend more time sifting through the noise and talking to and following up with leads who may never hire you. Or worse, you’ll close the contract today but the mismatch will lead to a negative review in the future.

If you’re not marketing to the right owners, you’re wasting money, time, and possibly hurting your reputation.

Get back on track by calling Fourandhalf. We can help you identify your ideal client, then craft and implement a marketing plan to attract and nurture the types of leads that are a match for your property management business.

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