Today is Part Three in our Art of the Sale series. In the first part, we talked about how to get the right mindset in place and what to do to structure your sales process. The second part covered discovery, and as you now know, that’s a big part of your sale. You use the discovery process to find out what the real problems or pain points of your prospects are. Today, we are talking about your presentation. This will explain how to present your company and move forward towards closing the sale.

Using Discovery to Present

Your goal during the presentation is to show why your company is the best fit for the prospect. By now, you should have completed the discovery, asked a lot of questions about the prospect’s problems, and built a strong emotional bridge. You are aware of the pain points and issues associated with the prospect’s rental property. At this stage, you want to address those.

A common mistake people make is to get too excited about their own company during the presentation. You don’t want to talk and talk and talk until your presentation turns into 30-minute monologue that’s not really targeted to your prospect’s needs. Look at your notes and talk specifically to the prospect’s pain points, even of that means giving less time to some of your company’s services.

Start with the framework, such as “We operate based on the 3 key principles: we’ll protect your asset, we’ll ensure steady revenue flow, and keep the lines of communications open.”

Your details under these subjects might be different, but these are the three things most property owners will care about.

However – discussing every point and subpoint in detail will take up precious time. Your prospect might lose interest because you’re covering a lot of information that doesn’t necessary pertain to his problem or pain point.

Be specific to the prospect’s pain points. For example, if the prospect tells you that the last tenants destroyed the lawn by not watering it, and it cost $4,000 to fix the landscaping, you’ll want to focus on protecting the asset. Talk about regular inspections and tie it back to the initial problem. Explain that you inspect quarterly and if there’s a problem, you bring it up with both the tenant and the owner immediately. Don’t talk about tenant screening, unless you tie it directly to  the prospect’s pain point. You have the opportunity to demonstrate that what happened with the lawn wouldn’t happen again under your management. Put their fear to rest by addressing their problem directly.

Here’s the most important thing to remember for your presentation:

If you can tie the specific value propositions of your company to the paint points of customer, you will win the deal almost all the time.

Closing the Presentation

Once you have presented, you have to close with something tangible. End each phone call with a calendar meeting or an appointment. Get something scheduled. You have to be the one asking for the next step when you finish. Here are some examples:

  • Shall we set up a meeting at your property to take a look at the backyard?
  • Let’s meet at the home and evaluate what your house will rent for.
  • I will email you a service agreement and we can review it together next week. How’s Tuesday morning, 10am?

As a sales person, it’s your job to do the work so the prospect simply has to say ‘yes.’ Give them an easy way to say yes. Propose a specific time at the end of your phone call so they can say yes or suggest another time. You have done all this hard work and now it’s time to bring it together and close the deal.

You don’t want to miss Part Four, where we’ll talk about the follow up and how you turn your lead into a customer.

If you have any questions about the Presentation or you’d like to hear more about our Art of the Sale series, please contact us at Fourandhalf.