We talk a lot about pay-per-click strategies and how to run those campaigns.

In today’s blog, we’re focusing on the different lead channels you have as a property manager. You need to know how your company can attack them, and how to plan your strategy.

We’ll help you answer these questions:

  • Should you use this lead?
  • What will be involved in the sales process for bringing that lead into a management contract for your company?

Google Ads

Google Ads has been the most successful pay-per-click model for our clients, but it does have the highest cost of any of the lead sources that we’re talking about today. In highly competitive markets, you’ll see Google Ads leads costing more than $300 per lead.

But, when we talk about a successful sales cycle, Google Ads is great because the searches are targeted to people who are likely to take action now.

Because of the high cost of each lead, you need to close or at least follow up on every single lead that comes in. So, make sure you’re using LeadSimple or another CRM. You want to be sure someone is answering those calls and responding to those emails – even after hours. Whether it’s your BDM or a team of property managers who share this responsibility; your sales cycle has to be strong. 

To spend this much on leads, make sure you’re on top of your process.

Yelp Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Yelp pay-per-click is perhaps the second-most expensive lead source. With Yelp leads, there are a couple of things to consider.

  • Is your review score good? You don’t want to advertise a subpar rating.
  • Is Yelp popular in your area? And, is it popular in the area where your out-of-state owners are?

Yelp is a good place to try texting. A lot of times, Yelp searches are done on an app. So, if a lead is putting in a request for information on their phone, they’ll want to hear back quickly. Prepare to text.

Facebook Advertising

Facebook is a little different. These leads are like billboards put out there by people who identify that they may need professional property management services.

With Google and Yelp, you’re getting people who need a property manager. With Facebook, you’re reaching people who may not realize they need a property manager. It’s also less expensive than Google or Yelp.

Blogging and Content

Putting out a regular blog is the most cost-effective way to earn leads. Doing about 20 blogs with Fourandhalf or on your own is usually equal to the lifetime value of one closed contract. So, the power of blogging is immense.

Blogging does so much for your SEO and conversion. It’s great for reaching all types of clients. You can talk to your accidental landlords and people who are looking for information about investment properties. It covers all the niches out there and allows you to talk to multiple audiences.   

Bonus! Reputation Matters

Here’s a bonus – your reputation matters.

Your review score on Google and Yelp are worth highlighting today, not because it’s a force multiplier, but because it has an overall effect on all the marketing you do. If you’re going to explore any of these lead sources, reputation will bring down the cost of each one.

When you have the best reputation, people just want to work with you.

If you have any questions about these lead sources or sales strategies, or you need help with the tools that you need to succeed, please contact us at Fourandhalf.